“Iske gaalon me to tube light hai. Dekho kaise chamakte hai jab vo jasti hai” (Her cheeks have tube light in them. See how they light up whenever she laughs). Soni’s friends get excited when asked what do they love about Soni. They say she always laughs and there is never a dull moment in her life.
Soni lives with her parents, 2 brothers and a sister in Delhi. She has been studying at Protsahan for 3 years and says she eagerly waits for afternoon to come to Protsahan. Drawing being her area of interest, she makes beautiful Madhubani and Warli paintings and also teaches her peers. Soni loves making paper mache. With the bridge course at Protsahan, Soni is now one of the smartest girls in her school and scored 84% in her annual exams last year.
With great joy comes trouble, Soni’s brother does not allow her to come to Protsahan and wishes to marry her off at an early age. But Soni, the strong willed, often explains to him how Protsahan has helped her develop as a person and she aims to achieve a lot in her life. With great difficulties, Soni comes to Protsahan everyday and makes the most of her time here.
Soni dreams of becoming a teacher and teach her kids with love and care. She does not believe in scolding or hitting the kids as she understands that it’s better to set an example for the kids that they look upto than to force them.
Her most memorable moments at Protsahan were her picnic outings with her Protsahan friends. Soni, the curious child loves going to new places and trying new things. Her happiest moment was when she featured in a photograph in the newspaper with Sachin Tendulkar.
We hope Soni spreads her light wherever she goes and becomes the compassionate teacher.