

02 Jun: Films & Art to End Open Defecation

Protsahan with support from LMB Productions and in collaboration with UNICEF India, worked with children in Pune to spread awareness on the issue of Open Defecation (OD) and make India OD-free.  “The community toilets in our slum clusters are not clean at all. They are extremely dirty with flies hovering around. Didi, we should together create a film to teach…


06 Jun: The Lessons for a Volunteer at Protsahan

“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” ~ Martin…


06 Jun: Exploring the Science of Expressive Art Therapy at VIMHANS

In times of increasing need for varied therapeutic approaches for varied populations, team Protsahan had the honour to visit, experience and understand the multimodal services and integration of holistic and innovative practices in existing treatment provided by VIMHANS hospital in the area of mental health through Expressive Arts Therapy. The two day visit was informative and helpful for us to…

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“Stories are the way human beings understand and communicate our deepest values”, Marshall Ganz Across the world, storytelling has been used as an effective means of social change. Tales of great leaders have inspired many more in bringing a revolution.  Cinema for years has been used as a mass medium of storytelling, spreading information and building awareness about social issues….

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24 Jan: National Girl Child Day Celebration

24th January is observed as the National Girl Child Day. Due to lack of stringent rules and their implementation in India, India has the highest Violence Against Children cases. The child sex ratio in the last census was 914 against 1000 males, the lowest recorded since independence. Protsahan has been working for the upliftment of Girl Child for the last…

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10 Dec: Human Rights: Too Much To Ask For?

As we stand in 2013, going ahead towards another year full of promises of progress, we can’t help but stop and reflect back on the disparity created in the society and how it has changed our outlook towards people. 40 million children below that age of 15 are suffering from child abuse and neglect. There are approximately  246 million child…