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Heart Model

Protsahan’s Adolescent Girl Framework
Empowering the Agency of Girls in Underserved Communities
Through The Lens of Intersectionality

We have a unique way of designing, implementing, and advocating our interventions. The goal is not to just talk about abuse. We want our impact to be far more significant than traditional methods of action and advocacy. For this very reason, we designed a common thread that runs across every step we take, every campaign we run, and every child we reach out to, a thread that enables us to get that lasting impact. We call it the HEART Model of Healing with Art.

We use this model as a tool to help bring children out of their shells, and into a healthy learning environment. Together, the five pillars of the program ignite the spark of interest in young children rescued from vulnerable and abusive circumstances. The children we reach out to have usually never attended a formal school. By using inno- vative and hands-on approaches to teaching them social and educational skills, the children start learning and adapting subconsciously, all while having fun.

These techniques are used to initiate the children in a ten-month-long bridge course. Once basic training is completed, the young child is enrolled in a government school and is usually able to join the 5th or the 6th grade directly. While attending the gov- ernment school the child can choose to continue to attend Protsahan, which is right inside her slum area, and can continue to learn creative arts in a supportive en- vironment. These skills include Madhubani and Warli art, working with tablets and laptops, Bharatnatyam traditional dance, film making, DSLR Photography, theatre, along with a better understanding of gender rights and menstrual hygiene through digital storytelling.

The HEART Model of Healing with Art is the foundation of Protsahan’s Art Based Program to address trauma in children.

The HEART Model is a unique arts & technology based framework of working with adolescent girls from underserved communities who are at-risk or are survivors of abuse. Elements of the program work cohesively to break the inter-generational cycle of childhood abuse and poverty with Holistic Healing (of Abuse & Trauma), Education, Art interventions for Life Skills training, Recovery, and Technology.

International Recognition For The HEART Model

HundrED Innovation
Summit selected Protsahan among the 100 inspiring innovations for the 2020 cohort that are changing the face of K12 education across the world.

Childhood Education: Innovations

Protsahan’s HEART Model was featured in Childhood Education: Innovations, an international magazine dedicated to promoting innovation in K12 education.


Protsahan’s Heart Program wins at the UNICEF (Regional Office of South Asia) International Day of the Girl Child 2020 innovation challenge.


Protsahan’s Heart Program is chosen among the Global Innovations in Visual Arts Education at the HundrED-Supercell Visual Arts Education Spotlight 2021.