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Donate your old DSLRs/Cameras to Protsahan for a beautiful purpose


We have been able to crowd source 4 cameras for our children through Twitter and Facebook. We need another 16. Will you help us make this possible? Donate your old DSLR or digital cameras to Protsahan and become a part of the revolution to encourage creative education and skill development through art.

Photography Workshop, Katia PeshkovaLearning with a lovely volunteer from Russia at Protsahan school, Katia Peshakova! Learning light, frames, compositions and more. Soon they’ll be shooting their own little project with her 🙂 They are so excited!

Photography workshops at Protsahan, Tanushree Singh

Here is Anu from our first set of volunteers way back in 2011 who had instilled the seeds of photography with Tanushree. There has been no looking back since for our little angels. Today, the girls have grown tall in confidence and heights 🙂 🙂 and are learning from inspiring photographers from Russia!

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Comments (1)

Hi. Are you based in delhi. I have a canon point n shoot which i would like to donate. Pls contact me.

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