Child Abuse

Blog-Stories of Resilience copy

07 Sep: STORIES OF RESILIENCE by Ramendra Kumar

Author: Dr Murthy & Ms Radha Murthy Title- Book Review: Stories Of Resilience by Ramendra Kumar, published by Protsahan India Foundation Child abuse, more technically called, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) has come into greater focus of mental health professionals in the last one decade. Though childhood was recognized as important for centuries, the recent evidence of the biological impact of…


10 Mar: Acknowledging the ‘Child’ in Child Marriage #GirlsNotBrides

Pune, June,2014 : In keeping with Protsahan’s aim of providing a safe and empathetic environment where issues that affect adolescent girls in urban slums are openly addressed, Protsahan’s Pune chapter kick started a series of workshops addressing child marriage on 29th June. In the interactive session, students confronted big questions about the ethics and effects of child marriage. They found…

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10 Dec: Protsahan’s Fight Against Violence! Supporting #16days Star #5

Fatima Fatima stands true to her name, captivating, charming. When you walk into Protsahan, it is usually hard to ignore Fatima all chirpy and vibrant. Fatima spreads across energy that cheers up everyone. 14 year old Fatima tries to come to Protsahan everyday despite going to school, working at a house nearby, working at her own house and taking her…