Employee Designation: Project Coordinator [FULL TIME]
Employee Role
On appointment to Protsahan India Foundation as Project Coordinator you will be reporting to the Director of Protsahan India Foundation, with the responsibility of managing the operations at Protsahan’s Educare Project at New Delhi.
Employee Responsibilities
The following are the responsibilities attached to the role.
I. Project Coordinator
- Execute and Manage the Project Educare at New Delhi in all its entirety.
- Manage the volunteer inductions and corporate interactions.
- Recruit and manage the beneficiaries (students)
- Assist the Director in designing and implementing the curriculum at the centres.
- Maintain internet powered report cards of students on daily basis.
- Analyse student reports on weekly basis (through excel and the Google spreadsheet we created).
- Manage class schedules, photographs and analyse charts, producing a weekly report-sheet for Management board for the child’s regular progress.
- Manage coordination with rehab centres and child homes.
- Conduct funky art workshops / encouragement sessions for students regularly.
- Manage the food and nutrition requirements of the street children under the project and direct reporting to the Management board.
- Be the spokesperson for all corporate interactions.
- Attend meetings, conferences, volunteer orientation sessions and on-line skype meetings when necessary (If you think you shouldn’t be absolutely contacted on a Sunday, please do not apply! Any emergent street child requirement can come up, we are looking for commitment.)
- Manage fundraising activities from time to time (If you are creative and wish to change the world, you should apply!)
What YOU gain when you work with Protsahan.
- Money will stop making sense to you (yeah, we are scary people that way!) although we promise to pay your salary cheques by 7th of every month. Or if there is too much of running around that month, by 12th or 14th. But get them you will 🙂 That is a sacred promise though!
- You might just end up LIVING your life (and slogging your a$$ out for children you hadn’t known until yesterday!)
- Real reporting – the corporate style will begin NOW! (All those reports so far that you submitted to your college dean..bah! humbug! you yourself will look at them and giggle like an 8 yr old.)
- You would define “slogging” better than an Oxford Dictionary, precisely just before your first appraisal.
- You would know WHAT WORKING IN A START UP means [that too a non-profit start up! Oh God save you! 🙂 ]
- You’d end up giving food to the street kid before you feed yourself that day.
- You might end up appreciating Star Wars more than a romantic SRK flick. [Each day is tough with the kind of work we do. A battle. Trust us on that. If you were expecting ac office rooms, kindly apply to a call center.]
- You would end up defining Multitasking better than a mom with 3 kids.
Basic Requirements:
- YOU should definitely be creative and willing to work in the excitement (or craziness) of a start up.
- Be willing to commit a year if not more (Else, seriously, we don’t want to waste our time. Yeah, we are candid people that way.)
- There will absolutely be times, when your parents would wish to disown you because of crazy work schedules, but you should know how to smile that funny smile and convince them about your passion.
- If you spell Grammar as Grammer, please do not apply (We are on our knees for this requirement. It is bhery important and close to our hearts ;p )
- YOU SHOULD be PASSIONATE about BRINGING CHANGE & the cause that PROTSAHAN stands for.
- We expect maturity in your demeanor and a certain warmth in your smile.
IF YOU GOT ALL THE ABOVE and are willing to work for monies from 10-15 k, write to us. Yeah, we are candid about money as well. We are transparent. We expect your commitments to be equally awesome and transparent too. Pls DONOT apply if you are looking for a summer job. Just shoot your resumes at ngo.protsahan@gmail.com with a cover letter. If we like the reasons enough on your cover letter, we wont bother looking at the resumes. Yeah. Really. And you shall hear soon from a very attractive boy/girl from our organization. Nahh! Just kidding. We are kind of getting old now. Or wait.
Disclaimer: We are a youth organization with our founder an ex-ad/communications woman, another one from IIT-Madras and some more young people with their hearts and heads at the right place. Just that, we decided to quit our ‘gyan’ jobs and started PROTSAHAN and so rather than working for a corporate, we use the same passion to work to make a child on the street facing drug and sex abuse, smile a little. Thats all we do. Pretty much. [pssst..and reports and excel sheets and corporate jazz] but shhhh.
Sonal Kapoor
Founder Director
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