Life will go on as long as there is someone to sing, to dance, to tell stories and to listen.
Protsahan believes in educating the children of the world through stories. Triggered by that thought Protsahan celebrates an ongoing, neverending Storestival..yes a festival that celebrates the art of story telling with street kids. We have used puppets, props, champaks, stages, music, laptops to spin creative yarns and yarns of meaningful stories. The impact has been tremendous. The morals & learnings spread out have reached every child‘s soul. Once every month, we celebrate a Storestival Day at Protsahan. Using Panchtantra stories, Aesop’s Fables, we try and bring change through the art of story telling to every kid’s heart. Storytelling is one of those few things that has been common to almost all civilizations. Whether in the form of a sprawling epic or a pointed ballad, the story is our most ancient method of making sense out of experience and of preserving the past. It needs no perfection, just the enthusiasm of interaction with the listeners. Crossword Stores have also supported Protsahan in this initiative!
Isnt it amazing if children, as little girls of eight-nine, could sit down and write their stories, they could escape the parts of life they didn’t like, embroider the parts they did and thus control the life they had! Infact…think for a moment. Are each of our lives any different from ‘mini stories’? Souls that take up bodies, experience a million mini stories of lifetimes and conclude…only to begin with another story.
Volunteer with Protsahan at Delhi. Or simply tell a story to your maid’s little one. Even if ‘that’ spirit of learning and teaching is garnered with the youth today, Team Protsahan will be happy to know, the storytelling movement of bringing change is spreading. Write to us at ngo.protsahan@gmail.com. Contact us at +91-9540781011.
Get connected on Facebook. Next time around, do you wish to spin a yarn with our children at Storestival? Come, let us know your favourite story 🙂
This brings back childhood memories! I would get fascinated by samurais and swords, monkeys and alligators, most of all princesses and kingdoms.. I cherish every story that I ever heard or read..
My all-time favorite is Disney’s Beauty and the Beast; I love Bella’s simplicity, Gaston’s arrogance and the Beast’s metamorphosis into a caring human, and this is infact the one that our sweet Anja is reciting to the children!
Hope to drop by one storestival and read it again to the kids and probably sing all the songs from the movie too 😀
Very proud of this method of educating with a difference! These tales will definitely stay with them forever, molding their personalities..
Calls in for a Hi-5 – Great work Protsahan!