Protsahan Team


03 Jun: A Case for Gender-responsive and Child-responsive Budgeting in India

Author: Sanhati Banerjee UNICEF DATA: INDIA’S CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN NUMBERS Every day 67,385 babies are born in India, that’s one sixth of the world’s child births. Every minute one of these newborns dies. Statistics reflect community attitudes with fewer hospital admissions for girls than boys. In 2017 alone 150,000 fewer girls were admitted to SNCUs than boys. Under-five mortality…


02 Jun: Protsahan Girls Voices in the Lancet

Protsahan Girl Champions from the community share their experiences and lend their voice for a research article on “Improving menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in India” in The Lancet, talking about access to menstrual hygiene for girls in the slums. The article delves deep into the taboos and myths surrounding menstruation, and how girls have started outgrowing these as access…



“Still I Rise”: A powerful live opera piece by girls of Protsahan Girl Champions bringing gender and caste issues to the forefront at Alliance Francaise, New Delhi led by Kalaripayattu & Japanese Theater maestro, Meera George. The title “Still I Rise” was taken from Maya Angelou’s poem, and the piece was a celebration of the “unsung heroines” from Kerala, who…


02 Jun: Protsahan Girl Champions are Martial Arts Champions

Protsahan Girl Champions prove their mettle, winning 16 Gold & 7 Silver medals at the Delhi District Martial Arts Championships, 2019.  Self-Defence training has proved to be pivotal for Protsahan Girl Champions. Based on the feedback we received from our girls, getting trained in mixed martial arts greatly improved their self-confidence, communication skills, and their physical health. In last-mile communities,…


02 Jun: Strengthening India’s Aanganwadis (ICDS)

Anganwadis play an essential role in providing basic child care, early childhood education, health care and nutritional care services to the last-mile communities. It has an extensive network across the country with 13.87 lakh Anganwadi centres and mini-Anganwadi centres functioning at the community level. Apart from fulfilling their primary role, AWCs also serve the important purpose of helping women in…


02 Jun: Screening at BRICS Int’l Film Festival

Having closely witnessed the impact of child marriages on the lives of adolescent girls, Protsahan girls produced a film on Child Marriage with the aim of encouraging conversations within the community. Their film not only had an enormous direct impact on the community but was also selected for the 8th BRICS International Film Festival in New Delhi, 2018. The film…


02 Jun: Films & Art to End Open Defecation

Protsahan with support from LMB Productions and in collaboration with UNICEF India, worked with children in Pune to spread awareness on the issue of Open Defecation (OD) and make India OD-free.  “The community toilets in our slum clusters are not clean at all. They are extremely dirty with flies hovering around. Didi, we should together create a film to teach…