Menstrual Hygiene

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31 May: Unveiling the Power of Local Wisdom: A Grassroots Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

As a grassroots organization working with communities on deep-rooted beliefs for the last 13 years, we believe in understanding SRHR from a localized, grassroots perspective for meaningful sustainable impact. By embracing local wisdom, we can develop culturally sensitive approaches that address unique challenges faced by communities.


28 May: Menstrual Hygiene Day: Providing Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Infrastructure in Schools

In the age of smart phones, internet, same sex marriages and globalization, menstruation is still a taboo is many parts of India and the world. Be it a village, city, town or an upscale posh community, this natural phenomenon is often discussed in hushed tones. ‘Don’t wear white!’ ‘Menstruation is a disease!’ ‘Are you crazy? You’re not supposed to tell…

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01 Jun: Menstruation Matters: Breaking The Silence

Menstruation is one of the oldest and most far-reaching taboos. Especially in India and across South Asia, the reluctance to speak about periods is widespread, resulting in worryingly low education and awareness – particularly among the demographic of adolescent girls, of whom India has some 120 million. A recent study for Menstrual Hygiene Day reported that 1 out of 3 school girls across South Asia was not aware of periods before experiencing one for the first time, and only 2.5% of the same group knew that menstrual blood came from the uterus.  If menstrual hygiene is not given importance,  it will raise the risk of reproductive infections and affect the health of millions of girls who are unaware of the stark consequences.